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Bills and payments

Why is my power bill so high?

Electricity usage usually increases in the warm summer months for customers in the north of the State and during the colder winter months for our customers in the south. Have a look at the usage comparison graph on the front of your power bill and see how your usage compares to the same period last year. Electricity prices have increased in recent years so look at your daily usage in units (kilowatt hours) to see whether you are actually using more electricity.

You should also think about whether you have bought any new electrical appliances and make sure you have cleaned and maintained existing appliances so they work efficiently. Our 'Easy ways to save' section has lots of information about how to use less electricity and save money.

In rare cases, there may be a problem with your meter or your meter read might not be accurate. You can check the read we used to produce your bill against the reading your meter shows. If there is a discrepancy, please call us so we can assist.

If you are struggling to meet the payment required, please contact us as soon as possible to discuss the options available. 

Let us know if you need any further assistance.

Fill in the form below or view our contact details to get in touch.

* Indicates a mandatory field.

Get in touch

Residential Account Enquiries:
1800 267 926
(8 am - 5 pm weekdays)

Business Account Enquiries:
1800 737 036
(8 am - 5 pm weekdays)

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