Horizon Power have announced the three winners of the 2019 Easy Ways to Win Caption Comp.
- Katie Underwood, Broome
- Conrad Lowe, Esperance
- Taraneh Lillo, Esperance
The Easy Ways to Win social media competition ran as a part of the 2019 Easy Ways to Save campaign that went live in January.
The 2019 Easy Ways to Save campaign personified electrical appliances to drive customers to our website with simple energy efficiency tips, in an engaging and emotive way.
The campaign asked Horizon Power customers "If your appliances could talk, what would they say?".
The captions were judged based on how creative and helpful the posts were in promoting energy efficiency.
The winners have each won a Dyson Tower Fan worth over $800 for their photo captions of a washing machine, kettle and hot water system.
Head to our Easy Ways to Save page for more energy saving tips and download the Horizon Power app to monitor your electricity usage.