Carnarvon’s new Mungullah Power Station successfully exported power for the first time today.
Horizon Power Senior Project Manager Kim Bryan explained that the power was generated from the diesel fuelled generators at the new station and that it was expected the gas fuelled generators would start producing power in March.
“Mungullah Power Station has reached the significant milestone of exporting power for the first time, which means it now has the capability to provide power in parallel with the old Carnarvon Power Station,” he said.
“We expect to start commissioning and reliability trials on the gas fuelled generators in March and when these trials are complete, the old Carnarvon Power Station will stop generating power and residents close by will be able to enjoy a quieter neighbourhood.”
Mungullah Power Station is located at Brown Range, six and a half kilometres south-east of Carnarvon. The power station will use five gas fuelled generators to generate the majority of the town demand, and five diesel fuelled generators will be available to supply additional power when demand is at its highest. The combined capacity of the power station is 18 megawatts.
“We are very pleased that the diesel fuelled generators at the Mungullah Power Station are now operational," said Mr Bryan.
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