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Electrical safety for kids in the Kimberley

Electrical safety will be in focus for Kimberley children when a partnership between Kidsafe WA and Horizon Power visits the region this June. Electricity is an essential part of our lives, though as an everyday product we can get complacent when it comes to safety.

Over the last five years, there were 72 presentations to Princess Margaret Hospital Emergency Department for electrical injuries, many of which can be prevented. Common causes of electrical injury can include damaged or worn electrical cords, objects being inserted into power points, faulty appliances or light switches and contact between electrical appliances and water.

Horizon Power, which produces, buys, distributes and sells electricity to regional and remote Western Australia, has partnered with Kidsafe WA, an organisation dedicated to promoting safety and preventing childhood injuries in Western Australia. The partnership aims to promote electrical safety messages throughout regional communities in the Kimberley, Pilbara, Mid West and Goldfields.

As part of a trip scheduled for 26 to 30 June, Kidsafe WA, supported by Horizon Power, will be visiting Kununurra and Wyndham conducting workshops with children, parents and professionals to teach a range of safety messages and promote vigilance around electricity.

“Kidsafe WA regularly travels throughout the regions to provide safety workshops and services to raise awareness of safety at home, play and on the road,” said Kidsafe WA Chief Executive Officer, Scott Phillips. “Our partnership with Horizon Power has allowed us to expand education and awareness to prevent electrical injuries to children throughout regional WA.”

For more information on how to keep your children safe from electricity visit: or to see Kidsafe WA’s Electrical Safety Fact Sheet


Media Contact:           

Jessica McKenna

General Manager, Kidsafe WA

(08) 6244 4882