Horizon Power’s commitment to provide information, services and public facilities that are easy for all community members to access, regardless of their ability is demonstrated in our new Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) for 2019 - 2024.
You can download a copy of our plan here and learn more on our accessibility page.
Since our inaugural DAIP in 2008, we have worked hard to implement a number of initiatives to improve our access and inclusion for people with disabilities, including the launch of a new mobile application, to optimise customer’s ability to access bills, notices, and usage data from their home or mobile in a way that suits them.
If you would like to comment on our DAIP, make a suggestion to improve access, or request the document in an alternative format, email DAIP@horizonpower.com.au or telephone our customer service team 1800 267 926, TIS 13 14 50 or TTY 1800 461 499.