Ronald McDonald House Charities Western Australia (RMHC WA) provides a home away from home for regional families who have a sick child receiving hospital treatment in Perth.
Horizon Power has sponsored student places on the Ronald McDonald Learning Program (RMLP) since 2012. This sponsorship allows children from regional and remote WA to access up to 40 hours of tuition, speech therapy, occupational therapy and psychometric assessment (if required) and additional support to get help get them back on track with their education after suffering a serious or chronic illness.
The Ronald McDonald Learning Program team is made up of over 160 qualified tutors and allied health professionals from all over WA to provide support to children once they are well enough to attend school and make the most of the tuition.
In the last financial year, no children from Horizon Power’s service area required the Ronald McDonald Learning Program so the funds were redirected to give the RMH ‘parents only’ zone (somewhere tranquil that parents can escape to for respite) a makeover – from architectural screening, to plants and furniture.
This financial year, Horizon Power is putting two children from Esperance through the RMLP to help them readjust to schoolwork after spending time in hospital and Ronald McDonald House Nedlands. Kai and Jordy are already starting to see the results of the tutoring with Kai happy to have passed a difficult math topic and Jordy describing herself as “very grateful and blessed” for the extra help.
Whilst several parents have expressed their gratitude for Ronald McDonald House Charities Western Australia in the past few years, one family said they can’t thank them enough.
“The teacher and her team of volunteers in the learning centre make it so enjoyable for the kids and that bit of extracurricular activity /support for them is so advantageous after having to miss so much school. All the staff have been so welcoming and supportive and we are going to miss everyone when we are finally allowed to go back home” they said.
To learn more about Horizon Power’s Grassroots Community Sponsorship program and Sustainable Partnership program, head to our Sponsorships page.
The Horizon Power sponsored Parent’s Zone in the Perth Ronald McDonald House.