We are always working to improve our service to you and we appreciate your feedback.
If you are unsatisfied with our service or would like to provide a complaint or compliment, let us know. Customer complaint forms are available on our website, from your local office or by calling us on 1800 267 926.
Our complaints and dispute resolution procedures are designed to ensure we handle your concerns in a courteous and efficient manner:
- All formal complaints are acknowledged and responded to within regulated timelines.
- We will utilise any information you may provide, together with our customer records, to assist in resolving your complaint.
- We will provide you with a detailed explanation of the reasons behind any decision we have made in relation to your complaint.
If you have lodged a previous complaint with us and are not satisfied with the outcome, you may wish to contact the Energy Ombudsman.
The Ombudsman can be contacted on (08) 9220 7588 or 1800 754 004 (free call outside of the metropolitan area), by email energyandwater@ombudsman.wa.gov.au or visit the website.