It’s seeding time and Horizon Power is again urging Esperance farmers to be vigilant when operating or moving machinery near powerlines.
Horizon Power Goldfields Esperance Retail and Community Manager Donna Gibson said that in recent years there had been an increase in the number of incidents where agricultural equipment hit electrical infrastructure (‘poles and wires’).
She said more than 20 incidents were recorded over the last 12 months, with more than half occurring during seeding or harvest.
“It is vitally important that farmers review their activities and work practices near powerlines,” Ms Gibson said.
“Interactions with electrical infrastructure can not only cause damage to the electrical network, farming machinery and land, but can place people in significant danger.
“There is the potential for farm workers to be injured – or worse – as a result of being electrocuted when machinery comes into contact with powerlines.
“Farmers should look around their properties and know the location of the powerlines and make a considered effort to induct new workers about these potential hazards.”
Horizon Power has prepared an Electrical Safety on the Farm information pack to help farmers promote safety during farm induction sessions with workers ahead of seeding and harvesting.
The pack contains a safety video and presentation saved to a memory USB that can be shown to workers as well as stickers to place inside the cabs of machinery, and a keep cup for an early morning coffee or late night cocoa on the farm.
The pack can be collected from the Horizon Power office at 143 Sims Street between 8am and 4pm, Mondays to Fridays. Both the video and presentation are also available to download from our website at horizonpower.com.au/farmsafety