Private power poles are your responsibility
If you have private powerlines or a private power pole on your property, it is your responsibility to inspect and maintain them.
Powerlines delivering electricity from your main switchboard and meter to your home or other buildings are private powerlines. This includes the pole where Horizon Power’s overhead service cable is attached and/or the pole where switchboard/meter box is located. If you are unsure about whether you are responsible for the powerlines or poles on your property, please contact your local Horizon Power office.
Keep trees and branches clear of powerlines. This will help prevent power interruptions and reduce the possibility of fire, electric shock or electrocution.
It is important that you inspect your private powerlines and poles (including stay-wires, fittings and all other components) at least once a year for any visible signs of deterioration. Never climb a pole, approach the wires, attempt any electrical repairs yourself or cut any vegetation near an energised powerline. Contact with live wires can kill.
It is recommended you:
- Safely remove any vegetation on the ground close to the base of all power poles and under the powerlines;
- Check trees and branches are at least three metres away from powerlines. If they are not, arrange for tree pruning by a competent vegetation control contractor. You can contact the Tree Guild of WA for a list of trained contractors;
- Check wood poles for obvious defects such as cracks, rot or attack by white-ants/termites; and
- Inspect steel poles regularly. Steel poles, even if galvanised, can rust and should be checked above and below ground for defects.
Visit the Energy Safety website for more information about private power poles.