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Horizon Power is committed to developing a sustainable energy future by providing innovative energy choices for customers.

Our policy recognises today's need for practical environmental care to protect the right of future generations to enjoy a sustainable and diverse natural environment.

The environmental responsibilities of all employees and contractors are highlighted in the policy, with Horizon Power's management driving its development and implementation.

Environmental Management System

Horizon Power operates under an Environmental Management System (EMS) to proactively manage environment issues.

The EMS provides the business with the necessary tools to identify the environmental issues associated with operations, maintain legislative compliance and strive for continual improvement in environmental performance.

The EMS is a systematic framework that facilitates:

  • Identification of the company's environmental risks
  • Development of actions to manage these risks
  • Compliance with environmental legal and other requirements such as industry standards and codes of practice
  • Setting of objectives and targets to work towards improvement in environmental performance
  • Demonstration of Horizon Power's commitment to protecting the environment for current and future generations
  • Monitoring of the effectiveness of the system on a regular basis and implementing improvements where necessary
  • Achievement of continual improvement in environmental performance

Environmental approvals

Our projects and operational activities are planned to ensure environmental impacts during the construction and operational phases are minimised.

Major projects that have the potential to cause significant impact on the environment undergo a comprehensive environmental assessment and include consultation with the relevant communities. Environmental approvals are obtained where required for projects such as power stations and new transmission lines.

Environmental management plans are prepared for major construction projects and identify environmental objectives and targets, detail project management actions, provide a timeframe for completion and delegate responsibilities for managing environmental requirements of the project.

Environmental impacts

Atmospheric emissions

Electricity generation can be a major source of atmospheric emissions as many power generation plants burn fossil fuels to drive generators. Most of Horizon Power's electricity generation is fuelled by diesel and natural gas. Horizon Power supplies power from 9 stations which incorporate renewable energy, either solar, wind or hydro. Diesel and natural gas power stations are cleaner in terms of atmospheric emissions than traditional coal-fired power stations and renewable fuel sources do not produce emissions.

Horizon Power is committed to using resources responsibly and reducing the impact of atmospheric emissions on the environment. By closing old plants, commissioning new, more efficient generating plants and increasing development of renewable energy resources, the business is working to reduce atmospheric emissions.

National Pollutant Inventory

The National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) is a national database designed to provide the community with information on the types and amounts of specified pollutants. The NPI provides the community, industry and government with access to consistent and reliable information about emissions to land, air and water in Australia.

The NPI includes information about Horizon Power's power station emissions.

Environmentally Sensitive Areas

Horizon Power aims to protect the natural and cultural environment in all of its operational areas. Designated Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs) identify operational sites and surrounding areas which require special consideration and care.

Declared Rare Flora and Priority 1 & 2 Flora are the most common environmental element protected by the ESA system.

Other environmental issues covered by the ESA designation include threatened ecological communities, significant vegetation, noxious weeds, rare fauna, rehabilitated land, organic farms and dieback protected areas.

Notification of an environmental issue that requires the creation of an ESA can come from a variety of sources including:

  • Horizon Power staff
  • The Department of Parks and Wildilfe
  • Department of Agriculture and Food
  • Department of Water
  • Environmental Protection Policies
  • Department of Aboriginal Affairs
  • Community groups
  • Farmers/local community members

Electro-Magnetic Fields

Electro-Magnetic Fields (EMFs) are found wherever electricity is used and occur around all electric wires and electrical appliances. The possible health effects from exposure to power frequency EMFs has been the subject of scientific research and media coverage for many years. To date, worldwide scientific consensus is that adverse health effects from EMF exposure have not been established. Research continues.

Horizon Power designs and operates all its plant and facilities to comply with guidelines for human exposure to power frequency EMFs as recommended by the World Health Organisation and National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia.